The company business line is design, manufacture and sales of followings: |
- Medical Apparatus
- Scientific Apparatus
- Electronic Measurement Apparatus
- Power Supply Equipment
We also specialize in sheet metal processing and painting with glow. |
The company has business licenses of such as: |
- Medical tools manufacturing industry 08BZ000089
- Medical tools selling business Hi-9
- Medical tools repair business 08BS080003
We are the certified registration member of ISO-9001/2008 (No.JQA2980) and ISO14001 (E667-ISO14001). |
The list of qualified staffs in the company is following: |
- Six persons are certified "the first class consultant engineer of national skill official approval for electric device."
- Fourteen persons are certified "the second-class consultant engineer of national skill official approval for electric device."
- Three persons are certified for "repairing business responsibility engineer of medical tools."
- Four persons are certified "medical tools sale and lease administrator."
The Company History |
1952 | | On August 1st, Corona Electric Co., Ltd. was founded in Hitachi City. |
1959 | | In August, the Katsuta Factory was opened. |
1962 | | In April, the factory was relocated to our present location. |
1972 | | In March, a non-power supply type remote measuring flux meter was developed in our factory. |
1973 | | In December, Corona Shoji Co., Ltd. was established as our subsidiary company. |
1980 | | In December, the company received the Big Ten New Products Award of the major Nikkan Kogyo Newspaper for our product (EIA micro plate photometer) "MTP-12" |
1989 | | In October, the Japanese Red Cross blood centers all over the country have started operating our Hepatitis C screening machine "MTP-120" |
1999 | |
In January, the company acquired the certification of ISO-9001 and ISO-9002.
In March, the company received "the Technical Development Encouragement of Ibaraki Prefectural Governor Award"
for the bead method chemistry luminescence full automatic analysis equipment.
2002 | | In August, the 50th anniversary was celebrated. We shifted up ISO-9001 to the version 2000 certification. |
2003 | | In June, the company acquired the certification of ISO14001. |